Come to the Table

Daily Devotional

  • July 27 – 1 Timothy 6:18 “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

    In our kitchens, we understand the joy of sharing a delicious meal with others. The act of sharing not only satisfies physical hunger but also nourishes the soul. Similarly, in our lives, we are called to cultivate a heart of generosity—a heart that is rich in good deeds and eager to share with others.

    The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, encourages believers to be people who are known for their acts of kindness and generosity. We are commanded to do good, not just occasionally, but consistently, in all aspects of our lives. This call to generosity goes beyond mere material possessions; it encompasses our time, talents, and resources.

    To be rich in good deeds means to have an abundance of acts of kindness and compassion. It is a mindset that looks for opportunities to bless and serve others, seeking ways to bring comfort, support, and encouragement. It is an intentional choice to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

    To be generous and willing to share involves having an open-handed attitude toward our possessions and resources. It means recognizing that everything we have is ultimately a gift from God and that we are called to steward those resources for His purposes. When we are willing to share, we break down the barriers of selfishness and greed, and we create a culture of generosity and abundance.

    Generosity is not solely about the amount we give but about the condition of our hearts. It is about the willingness to share what we have, whether it be time, talents, material possessions, or even a listening ear or a comforting word. It is an overflow of gratitude for God’s goodness in our lives.

    As we cultivate a heart of generosity, we reflect the character of our Heavenly Father, who is the ultimate example of generosity. God has lavishly poured out His love, grace, and blessings upon us, and we are called to emulate His generosity toward others.

    Let us strive to be people who actively look for opportunities to do good, who seek to be rich in good deeds, and who are generous and willing to share. May our acts of kindness and generosity not only bless those around us but also draw others closer to the love of Christ.


    1. How can I cultivate a mindset of being rich in good deeds, consistently seeking opportunities to bless and serve others?
    2. In what ways can I develop a more generous and sharing attitude towards my time, talents, and resources, recognizing them as gifts from God meant to be stewarded for His purposes?


    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your incredible generosity toward us. Help me to cultivate a heart of generosity, to be rich in good deeds, and to be willing to share. Show me opportunities to bless and serve others, and give me a spirit of generosity that reflects Your love. May my acts of kindness bring glory to Your name and draw others closer to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.